Vaikuttavat hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöt: ilmastonmuutos

Founders Pledge arvioi hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöjen vaikuttavuutta eri kohdealueilla. Uudessa ilmastonmuutosta koskevassa raportissaan he suosittelevat kahta poliittiseen vaikuttamiseen keskittynyttä järjestöä: Coalition for Rainforest Nations ja Clean Air Task Force. Aiemmin promoamaani metsien häviämistä (deforestion) estämään pyrkivää järjestöä Cool Earthia he eivät suosittele.

” We have two recommendations for donors interested in climate change: the Coalition for Rainforest Nations and the Clean Air Task Force. Both organisations have an exceptional track record and we are confident that their future work will have a large impact on greenhouse gas emissions.”

“Both organisations are engaged in political advocacy, which is difficult to evaluate but promises high leverage”

“The Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) is an intergovernmental organisation of more than 50 rainforest nations which works to promote environmental sustainability while creating opportunities for economic advancement within tropically forested developing countries.

We believe that CfRN has had an extremely large positive impact on climate change by playing a pivotal role in establishing a global agreement on deforestation in UN climate change treaties. Beginning in 2005, CfRN launched and championed a mechanism known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Under REDD+, developing countries are provided with results-based compensation for preventing deforestation and degradation, and for conserving and enhancing carbon stocks.

According to our cost-effectiveness model, a donation to CfRN will avert a tonne of CO2e for $0.12, with a plausible range of $0.02 – $0.72.”

” The Clean Air Task Force (CATF) is a US-based non-government organisation which works to reduce climate and non-climate pollutants through research and analysis, public advocacy leadership, and partnership with the private sector.

CATF’s current primary focus is on scaling up the rapid deployment of the low carbon technologies required for deep decarbonisation, with a particular focus on technologies that are important but neglected by environmental NGOs and governments. Given CATF’s focus areas, outstanding track record and organisational strength, we think it is likely that a donation to them would produce benefits on the order of $1 per tonne of CO2e.”

> Founders pledge ei suosittele Cool earthia, koska eivät usko, että aiemmin Cool earthista tehdyt vaikuttavuusarviot ovat uskottavia [1]. He pitävät epätodennäköisenä, että metsien häviämisen (deforestation) estämiseen pyrkivät projektit ovat kustannustehokkaimpia [2 , kommenteissa]

“We estimate that Cool Earth is able to reduce emissions by 1 tonne of CO2-equivalent for every $1.34 donated, for directly protected forest specifically (although this figure may be as low as $0.65). If indirectly shielded forest is also included, this drops to $0.38 per tonne of CO2-equivalent”


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